Thursday, September 25, 2014

[ Hujan Matahari ]


Life is wOnderful jOurney,
No One knOws what will happen in the future
We have to go ahead of the moon and the stars
We have reach beyOnd the skies
The wOrld will left behind
WhO knOws what the future is

Life is a wOnderful jOurney
No One knows what the future is
Tread life jOyfully
DOn't wOrry about the rest of the wOrld
Past the day smilingly
No One knOws what the future will be

Yes, life is a beautiful jOurney
No One knows what the future will be
Death will befall us one day
The sOul will be depart one day
Why wOrry about such things
Who knOws what the future will be

Life is a wOnderful journey
No One knOws what the future will be

Cc : Hlovate

[ Hujan dan matahari adalah perpaduan yang unik. Saling bergantungan menjadi sebab dan akibat.
Hujan dan matahari memaksa orang-orang berlindung dibalik tempat teduh. Kecuali orang-orang yang berani menghadapi dingin dan terik. Dan aku mOhon agar aku punya jiwa pemberani. ]

P/s :: Bukan jatuh yang penting tapi kebangkitan selepas itu. Broken things have nO value, except a brOken heart in frOnt of Allah. HOw valueable it is.